Producer Adi Shankar Teases Fans With First “Castlevania” Series Poster
Solidifying its place on Netflix’s 2017 line-up, producer Adi Shankar had teased anticipating fans of the game with the first “Castlevania” official poster.
Furthering the good news, the series had been confirmed for two seasons. While there are still few to no details surrounding its 2017 release, “Castlevania” is sure to follow-up on a sophomore season in 2018.
Alongside Fred Seibert and Kevin Klonde, Adi Shnakar said the show would be bloody, taking a really dark and violent tone on the Konami video game narrative. And of course, only the best is expected with the story and the script given that comic book veteran Warren Ellis, writer to “Transmetropolitan” and “Planetary”, would be the one writing.
The producer had disclosed that the project would be satirical, flipping the vampire sub-genre “on its head”. Shankar goes on to fearlessly state that “Castlevania” will be the first good video game adaptation.
Quite a claim! And fans all over are surely anticipating the series with great vigor.