By looking at Mr. Gareth Beedie’s works, it is evident that he is serious about ...

by Joshua Diokno   December 15, 2017    2

We can’t help but be thrilled with Mr. Fabio Wasques’ works. There is a certain ...

by Joshua Diokno   December 13, 2017    0

Already known across by Hollywood and Rocky fans, Sylvester Stallone is slated to direct Creed II. ...

by Joshua Diokno   December 12, 2017    0

There is something otherworldly about Mr. Skander Mallouki’s works—something strange but all the while familiar. ...

by Joshua Diokno   December 11, 2017    0

We have heard all of it before: Art is not a fruitful endeavor. You’ll never get ...

by Joshua Diokno   December 6, 2017    0

Mr. Tom Parker says it best in this interview: I’m always thinking whilst I’m playing this ...

by Joshua Diokno   December 4, 2017    0

Looking at Mr. Adrian Bobb’s works online is a practice on contemplation. Contemplation on beauty—on ...

by Joshua Diokno   December 1, 2017    0

We can’t help but be amazed with Mr. Dmitry Blagorodov. They are mixture of pleasant ...

by Joshua Diokno   November 29, 2017    0

Flexible and multi-facetted, Mr. Sebastien Giroux is an artist who does not tire from learning. ...

by Joshua Diokno   November 27, 2017    0

Being a perfectionist usually has a negative connotation. The one who finds himself or herself ...

by Joshua Diokno   November 23, 2017    0